Happily Ever Laughter

Happily Ever Laughter

Acme Comedy Theatre    8/24/2013 - 9/21/2013 (schedule)

Category:  Comedy · Professional

Photo Gallery (1 images)

Fans who loved the comedy of the Russian born Yakov Smirnoff throughout his extensive career on television, film, and stage can experience the hilarity once again with his new one-man hit Happily Ever Laughter at the ACME Comedy Hollywood. The New York Times calls this show “warm-hearted, delightful, and splendidly funny!” Yakov’s sidesplitting standup comedy helped to end the Cold War between Russia and America in the 1980s; now his goal is to end the Cold War in the bedroom by showcasing the joy of laughter in relationships...while leaving his audience in stitches, he helps them discover how to fall ...Read More

Total performances: 6

Yakov Smirnoff.... Himself
*=featured role

Record created by: MHunter

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