Lunch Legions, Play Pack, And Some Foursomes

Friday November 13, 98
by Nell Nolan, New Orleans Times-Picayune

Social Scene:

Lunch Legions, Play Pack, And Some Foursomes

by Nell Nolan

Southern Rep's champagne and pastries reception for The Playboy Of The Western World, which was directed by Perry Martin, gathered from the Irish Cultural Society Henry and Carolyne Scanlan and Dr. Rodney and Carol Jung; party hosts Monica A. Frois and Eve B. Masinter; and musicians Marie Thompson and Kevin Gilheany, who showed fiddle and bagpipe prowess.

Noted, too, were Southern Rep's founder and artistic director Rosary H. O'Neill, Margaret and Jimmy George, Tedde Denys, Juan Barona, Bob Phillips, Aysen and Joe Young, Frank Gonzalez, Entergy president Dan Packer and spouse Catherine, Stuart Smith, and Maria Stevenson, a recent at-home hostess (with husband Mac) for another SR party. Other opening nighters were board prez Ken Weiss, Dagmar and Alfredo Vichot, Joan and Richard Lee Mathis, Loyola University's arts and sciences dean Frank Scully and Mary, Sorbonne professor Claude Coulon and lovely Crystel, French Consul General Nicole Lenoir and daughter Juliette, David Schulingkamp, and Lois Hawkins, who sported green in honor of the Emerald Isle theme. Milling, too, were the show's stars, particularly Michael Cahill, who gamboled as the eponymous Playboy.

[two photographs]

David Schulingkamp, Perry Martin, Rosary O'Neill, Michael Cahill at Southern Rep party with Irish Cultural Society.

Theater-goers Kathie Pearse, Dr. Rodney Jung.